on Friday May 29, 2020

A Use Case of Ecological Desalination for the Water Quality Products Magazine

In order to raise awareness about Elemental Water Makers’ technology among the professional community and potential customers, Orange Bird has written an article describing how EWM built a solar-powered seawater reverse osmosis (RO) plant, which now provides the community of a small island in the Philippines with 5,000 liters of fresh water a day with zero carbon emissions.

The editor of WQP Mag placed it in the June 2020 issue as “Off-Grid Solution” and on the website. Read the article to learn about the desalination process, which is both ecological and economical.

on Thursday March 26, 2020

5 Updates from Google to Increase Digital Ads Performance

Today, we’d like to go over some of the Google Ads and YouTube functionality updates which may be more on the technical side and have gone unnoticed, yet provide important functionality that can help you improve your digital strategies and campaign management.


on Wednesday March 18, 2020

Digital Marketing and PPC for Sustainable Companies (Part 2)

In one of our previous posts we’ve outlined what new functionality and improvements to its digital products Facebook has launched recently. Let’s now look at where Google and its properties are heading and how we, digital marketers, can take advantage of these updates.


on Wednesday March 4, 2020

Launch Sustainable Projects with Circular Economy Marketing

Or how a look in our wardrobe makes us optimistic.

A large part of our team works remotely most of the time, so we get our daily portion of collegial coziness from our virtual coffee machine in a chat app called Slack. We often discuss our weekend, the weather, the news, and anything else that takes our fancy. Just like a real office… but remote. On a drizzly February morning, one of our marketers shared a link to a study showing the average item of clothing is only worn seven times. Let that sink in. Just seven times.


on Saturday February 22, 2020

What is the Sustainability Movement?

As a sustainability marketing agency, Orange Bird Agency unites people who are concerned about climate change and serves companies that foster the transition to a carbon-free economy. To find out how we can help you achieve your commercial and environmental goals, drop us a line today.

In another post, we traced the origins of the modern understanding of sustainability, provided some useful resources, and recommended events to make your business more sustainable. In this post, we’d like to focus on the sustainability movement and the people who inspire and lead others to protect the environment. The scope of environmental problems is so huge that sometimes it’s hard to believe that a single person can change anything. Well, we are going to prove that it is possible.

We hope this blogpost will help you understand the importance of the sustainability movement today and get to know its leaders. All of these people inspire us at Orange Bird to continue working towards creating a sustainable future. Who knows, maybe they will inspire you as well!
