on Monday August 30, 2021

Climate Action & Sustainability Marketing Success: H1 2021

Orange Bird flies high and fast, and so does time. While keeping a forward-looking mindset, we see value in retrospection.

This can be regarded as a self-reminder to be more conscious about new learnings, apply them in new work, celebrate achievements and share new knowledge and insights with others – that is why we recently started publishing posts like this one. Without further ado, here are Orange Bird’s top three learnings from the first half of 2021:

1. Climate-positive future requires a carbon negative approach

Data published in January 2021 fueled (pun intended) our climate concerns. Despite sharp drops early in the pandemic, global emissions of carbon dioxide picked up in the second half of 2020. The overall emissions decline was 6.4% – yet even if the world continues strict lockdown policies for the next decade, it will not be enough to reach the 1.5°C temperature goal of the Paris Agreement. We need immediate collective action – so Orange Bird commits to helping companies whose work directly affects the reduction of greenhouse gasses. If you run or work for a company contributing to decarbonisation – send us a quick message, and we will gladly help you achieve your marketing goals and the exposure that your product or service deserves.

Environmental Action Grants 2021

Nota Bene: if you have a EU entity, you may also be interested in the numerous grants from the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency. There are grants for companies and organisations working on:

However, be quick as some of the deadlines are approaching fast.

EU Grants 2021

For organisations based in the U.S, check out these links for ongoing environmental action grants and sustainability initiative funding opportunities:

If you would like to submit a grant proposal and could use some help, Orange Bird will gladly assist. Send us a note.

2. Marketing Optimisation: only pay for the contacts you market to

In early March 2021, HubSpot updated their knowledge base for a recent feature called  Marketing Contacts. In short, it lets you keep an extended list of contacts, while choosing the leads you’ll be marketing to. This way, you do not have to overpay for non-marketing contacts, yet still have access to them through HubSpot.

Marketing Contacts in HubSpot

Wondering how this feature can help your business grow, or need help enabling marketing contacts for your HubSpot account? Delegate this task to Orange Bird – we will make this transition quick and easy, allowing you to focus on perfecting your craft and delivering the best service possible to your clients.

3. Digital marketing challenge: balancing user privacy and data insights

In April 2021, Apple released iOS 14.5 for iPhone and iPad. This software update included a new privacy tool, App Tracking Transparency, which gives users more control over data-sharing. Upon opening App Store applications, Apple users will now be greeted with a pop-up window asking for their permission to be tracked. 

For marketers, the update means a reduced amount of data to collect, report on, and leverage, thus affecting advertising campaigns and their optimisation. Orange Bird views this challenge as an opportunity to innovate and improve our ad optimisation processes. As a full-service marketing agency, we will continue providing value by connecting businesses to consumers, while respecting user privacy. Our advertising experts recently reviewed our practices for GDPR-compliant newsletters and have started switching from Facebook Pixels to Facebook Conversions API as well as from standard Google Tag Manager to server-side Google Tag Manager (which simplifies user consent management for advertisers). We will use these server-side tracking tools to analyse users’ funnel journey and customise their ad experience, while maintaining data privacy.

Do you have additional questions about the tools or how the new privacy settings will affect your business? Chat with us to receive advice from Orange Bird’s advertising experts. 

Orange Bird provides value through full-service marketing

“Better solutions and results are achieved when marketing services focus on the value to the end user,” –  reiterated one of our Orange Birds. We are happy this principle of the agency is internalised by our team members! Take a look at the vast range of services that brought value to our clients in the first half of 2021: 

Work by category

Just like with our three highlighted learnings, we offer a brief review of four (out of a dozen!) services, which we successfully delivered to our clients in early 2021: 

PR and Content Marketing

Orange Bird continues amplifying our clients’ voices through effective copywriting and PR services. For example, we prepared articles of various types for the iFarm Blog, including a series of five articles, ‘Vertical Farms vs Greenhouses’, which answers key questions about profitability and feasibility of iFarm technology, announcements and news releases, case studies, and long-form feature stories. 

Analysing the value of our articles is as important as producing them – therefore, we offered an analysis describing the articles’ effect on iFarm sales, as part of a detailed report with our recommendations. 

The press release we helped to prepare and pitched to the media for iFarm got published by 17 leading industry publications, including media outlets like AgFunder, The Spoon, Food Navigator, Vertical Farm Daily.

An extremely valuable achievement for both our client and ourselves: iFarm obtained the Solar Impulse Efficient Solution Label, proving that its clean technology is environmentally friendly and financially profitable. Unlike many other awards, applications go through an incredible diligence process by subject matter experts that evaluate the business model, the economics and the environmental impact of the technology. As a result, the award highlights the products around us that are not only ecological but are also more logical economically than traditional products. By switching to such clean products, we enable the transition to a clean and prospering economy.

iFarm is proud of ES

As you may see from the examples above, Orange Bird’s copywriters and PR specialists are proficient with both technical intricacies and environmental aspects. We would be happy to assist you with a content plan for your technology or product – let us know what your company’s priorities are. 


SurfCleaner Optimisation 100 percent

Once we help our clients frame their  message, Orange Bird focuses on delivering it to the right audience. In early 2021, we created a detailed Customer Journey Map (CJM) for SurfCleaner’s ad campaigns and helped SurfCleaner achieve their full potential on Google Ads – their account now has a 100% Optimisation Score from Google. In addition, we ran successful lead generation campaigns on Youtube and LinkedIn. 

Based on the experience for this and other clients, we have summarised our tips and advice for LinkedIn LeadGen campaigns in a separate blog post.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

The most active SEO work in early 2021 was carried out for our client CanvasLogic. Among other things, we created a topic cluster, designed and developed four landing pages (e-Commerce Product Configurator, Augmented Reality Product Configurator, Kitchen Configurator, Door Configurator), listed the product in relevant industry directories and optimised the previously existing content and metadata.

Orange Bird CanvasLogic SEO Infographic

Among the results we are proud of is the 1,766.67%  growth of website visitors from Google Organic when we compare the first half of 2021 with the same period in 2020. Meanwhile the bounce rate has decreased from 54.72% to 16.59%. 

Design and Website Usability

Orange Bird often navigates at the crossroads of art and technology, providing graphic design services for webpages, banners, campaign visuals – you name it. Our recent project required a balance of critical thinking and creativity – we were tasked with a redesign of SurfCleaner’s website. Offering a fresh look while maintaining the core of a brand is never easy – yet SurfCleaner’s team, including a highly experienced designer, are very happy with the outcome! They are looking forward to implementing the new design. For now, here is a sneak peak of their new look: 

SurfCleaner Website redesign

At Orange Bird, we take a holistic and long-term approach to design. So to accompany a revamped website proposal, we facilitated SurfCleaner’s brand awareness strategy and conducted a workshop on website usability and lead generation. We also provided website usability testing for another client  – Targetprocess – fixing immediate issues and highlighting areas of opportunity. 

As the first half of 2021 came to an end, has your website performed the way you intended? Do you feel like it may benefit from a fresh look, or simply needs a few minor adjustments? Orange Bird is ready to help you step in your audience’s shoes and adjust your web presence accordingly. 

Stay Tuned and Keep Learning with Orange Bird

As Aesop once said, it is not only fine feathers that make fine birds. For Orange Bird, our work is what defines us. Orange Bird will continue working on the projects entrusted to us by our clients and providing full service marketing expertise. Self-improvement, of course, never stops – we will keep expanding our skills, fine-tuning our own website, adding service descriptions like we recently did for our professional Public Relations and Media services and Marketing Services for Sustainable Cities.

We also plan to attend the upcoming CleanTech Forum Europe  and launch a platform uniting the whole climate movement. 

We will be sharing our sustainability and marketing insights on social media – follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter to stay informed and learn together with Orange Bird! 

As always, we are open for marketing challenges – tell us about your marketing goals, and we will gladly help your business reach new heights. 


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