on Tuesday February 13, 2024

Fuel Your Social Media with our Calendar of Environmental Dates 2024

Welcome to our online Calendar of Environmental Dates! 

This calendar of 2024’s global ecological observances is a tool to help you discover climate action opportunities, spark meaningful conversations, and amplify awareness through social media and marketing communications.

This curated calendar isn’t about chasing fleeting trends. It’s a handpicked selection of significant ecological dates – think of them as launchpads for impactful campaigns and captivating content. 

Let’s use these environmental dates as triggers to act, not just talk. Your brand’s participation in environmental movements and events can be a catalyst to amplify visibility for the cause, build community, and accelerate change. Use these times to communicate how your organization is taking action and encourage others to get involved. Real-life examples inspire action most of all.

Your brand’s authentic participation in environmental movements and ecological events will help you connect more deeply with your community

Environmental dates can be opportunities to accelerate action

Each of these environmental holidays offers a unique opportunity to:

  • Discover climate action opportunities: These environmental dates may prompt ideas about your organization can take action in your community or industry; give support or resources; or serve as a team.

  • Spark meaningful conversations: Share how your organization is taking action, pose thought-provoking questions, and ignite discussions about crucial environmental issues.

  • Amplify awareness: Shine a light on hidden environmental gems, celebrate diverse ecosystems, and advocate for the voices of nature.

  • Inspire action: Go beyond awareness and empower your audience to make a difference. Offer practical tips and encourage sustainable lifestyle or business choices.

We’ve carefully selected these dates based on our experience in using them for social media campaigns with our clients. We’ve seen how brands can have a big impact using environmental observances as a starting point to generate new ideas and drive important action.

Calendar of Environmental Dates 2024

January Environmental Dates

26 – UN International Day of Clean Energy

31 – International Zebra Day

February Environmental Dates

2 – World Wetlands Day

18 – World Whale Day 2024

27- International Polar Bear Day

March Environmental Dates

3 –  UN World Wildlife Day 

18 – Global Recycling Day

20 –  UN International Day of Happiness 

20 – World Rewilding Day 

21 – World Tree Day / International Day of Forests

22 – UN World Water Day 2024

23 – Earth Hour

30 – International Day of Zero Waste

April Environmental Dates

22 – Earth Day

24 – Fashion Revolutionary Day

May Environmental Dates

11 –  World Migratory Bird Day 

11 – World Fair Trade Day

17 – Endangered Species Day

20 – World Bee Day

22 – International Day for Biological Diversity

25 – World Fish Migration Day

June Environmental Dates

1 – World Reef Day

5 – World Environment Day 

8 – World Oceans Day

15 – Nature Photography Day

17 – World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought 

22 – World Rainforest Day

July Environmental Dates

Plastic Free July

3 – International Plastic Bag Free Day

25 – Earth Overshoot Day   

28 – World Nature Conservation Day

August Environmental Dates

9 – International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples

12 – International Youth Day

25-29 – World Water Week

September Environmental Dates

2 – 6 – Zero Waste Week

7 – International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies 

13 – International Day of Positive Thinking

18 – World Water Monitoring Day 

20 – World Cleanup Day

21 – Zero Emissions Day 

29 – International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste Reduction

October Environmental Dates

1 – National Green City Day

1 – World Vegetarian Day

4 – World Animal Day

12 – World Migratory Bird Day

14 – International E-Waste Day

November Environmental Dates

13 – World Kindness Day 

29 – Buy Nothing Day 2024

December Environmental Dates

5 – International Volunteer Day

5 – World Soil Day 2024

11 – International Mountain Day

Leverage social media trends and amplify awareness

Remember, this calendar of environmental dates is your launchpad, not a script. As you explore these international climate action dates,

  • First take time to understand the underlying movements and discussions.

  • Then, consider how your brand can uniquely and authentically engage.

  • Third, take action and contribute to the collective effort.

  • Finally, share your actions to inspire others.

Could you use some support with your social media? 

Take a look at our webpage to explore other examples of effective social media marketing or reach out to us to discuss if Orange Bird can help your organization.

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