Tag: influencer marketing


Looking for a sustainability marketing agency? Supercharge your marketing strategy and fly high with full-service agency, Orange Bird. Learn more now.

on Friday March 1, 2019

(English) Events for Sustainable Cities, Transportation and Fashion

Onze verontschuldigingen, dit bericht is alleen beschikbaar in English.

on Monday February 25, 2019

Conferenties die Jouw Potentiƫle Investeerders Gaan Bijwonen in 2019

Soms vind je de juiste investeerders voor jouw product of service niet (alleen) met cold calling of door het najagen van leads, soms is het een kwestie van simpelweg op de juiste tijd op de juiste plek zijn.

Uiteraard betekent dit niet dat je op die ene magische ontmoeting in de metro moet hopen. Het betekent dat je daar moet gaan waar de investeerders gaan, specifieker: naar de conferenties die er in jouw veld toe doen. Wanneer je deze conferenties mist, gaat er iets mis met jouw manier van netwerken.


on Friday February 22, 2019


The third post in our CleanTech Events series lists events for circularity and waste management. As mentioned in our article about sustainability circular economy can not only reconcile economic development with environmental protection, but maximise the chances of avoiding the most dangerous impacts of climate change. That is why we hope so much these events will help circular businesses, their potential investors and partners to meet each other and join forces.

If you need any help with preparation for these conferences and want us to design booth materials, handouts or propose original giveaways, please feel free to contact Orange Bird. We can also pre-schedule and follow up on the meetings with attendees and media.


on Wednesday February 6, 2019

9 Duurzame AgriFood Conferenties | Netwerk met investeerders

This post comes second in our series about the events for cleantech and positive impact companies. The first one was dedicated to Clean Energy events in 2019.

Here we have selected the agtech and food chain events which specifically focus on making these sectors sustainable and which can bring you in touch with relevant investors. Contact Orange Bird if you need help with preparation for these events or want us to design booth materials, handouts or propose original giveaways. We can also pre-schedule and follow up on the meetings with attendees and media.


on Wednesday January 23, 2019

9 conferenties over schone energie | Netwerk met investeerders

This is the first article in our series of the events and conferences for companies willing to become sustainable, to foster sustainability of their respective industry, to find investors and partners for joint actions. Here weā€™ve put together a list of nine major CleanTech and Clean Energy conferences in 2019.

Contact Orange Bird for help with preparation for any of these events, e.g. to schedule meetings with relevant attendees and media, to select a booth and design booth materials and handouts, prepare impactful presentations, and propose original giveaways.
