on Friday January 15, 2021

Orange Bird Agency: 2020 in Review

At Orange Bird, we’re all geared up for 2021. Let our final goodbye to 2020 be a Year in Review: Orange Bird Agency’s 2020 wrapped. See who joined the team, what marketing services we delivered to our clients, and how Orange Birds stayed true to our shared values.

Birds of a feather flock together

– proverb.

The flock keeps growing. Coming from around the world, our birds are English, Dutch, and Russian native speakers with diverse marketing skills, bound by a shared goal of a sustainable future. Welcome to the team:

Team members and their areas of expertise at Orange Bird sustainable marketing agency

To view our full team and their vast skill set, click here.

Orange Birds delivered value

2020 is a definition of chaos. Amidst all uncertainties, Orange Birds stayed resilient and focused on our shared objective – delivering value. And we thank our clients who chose to join us on this journey:


Each company’s marketing path was unique, shaped by our clients’ specific needs and objectives. Here is an overview of the services we provided in 2020:

Diagram listing digital marketing services delivered by Orange Bird Agency to cleantech and greentech companies in 2020.

Together Orange Birds designed individual approaches for each company – from a single service to a full scope of marketing tools. We highlight some of them below.


A company with no branding strategy is just like 2020 – customers never know what to expect from it. Orange Birds help avoid such miscommunication and instead foster an emotional connection with the audience. For example, Grown.bio, a biotechnology company formerly known as krown.bio, got its new name, logo, and a revamped brand identity – all reflecting their original way to create naturally-grown, biodegradable packaging and interior design products.

Business card for Grown.bio – biotechnology company creating high performance and natural products that are safe and sustainable.

PR, Content Marketing

At Orange Bird, we celebrate the ingenuity and vision of our clients. Yet, ideas thrive only when the message reaches the right audience – be it a potential investor, customer, or employee. This year, while our clients focused on perfecting their craft, we acted as their spokespeople. See how Orange Birds helped spreading the word in a smart and effective way.

  • Elemental Water Makers designed a way to desalinate seawater sustainably, and Orange Birds helped them gain professional recognition through the media. Their clean technology, which was named an “off-grid solution,” and “one of 1000 solutions to protect the environment,” was described by us in articles published by the Water Quality Products magazine and on the Solar Impulse Foundation website.

  • iFarm proved that being a modern farmer doesn’t mean leaving the city, or even the house. Smart indoor farms are energy- and cost-efficient – and Orange Birds helped spread these findings. Through new blog posts and website content optimisation, we crafted compelling messages for potential investors and customers of iFarm. Recently, iFarm got included in Impact Index as a high-potential company, raised $4 million in investments, landed in the TOP500 FoodTech startups in the world, and was named the Hottest AgTech/FoodTech Startup in Europe, according to the Europas Awards 2020.

  • 2020 reminded us all that safety is a priority. CoralTeam translated this value into business operations – they ensure safety of your Salesforce data with Security Auditor. To help reach the right audience, Orange Birds are in the process of creating articles and materials about this product and Salesforce consulting services of our client.


While everyone hopes to see the 2020 tunnel end with a bright beam of light, Intelar makes sure it is energy-efficient. We supported Intelar in this endeavor and helped them identify new markets for Energy Performance Contracting in Europe and Asia. Another clean technology company that utilised Orange Bird’s research expertise is SurfCleaner. We identified the most promising media outlets for their target audiences and provided help with issuing and distributing impactful press releases.

Lead generation

Staying true to the Agile methodology, Orange Birds keep their focus on the end user. First, we analyse the company’s data to paint a picture of their user and map out the customer journey. Next, we craft targeted messages on the website, social media, and in advertisements. This approach never left us hanging: even before we spent the first 15 Euro on Grown.bio’s ad, it has already converted a top manager of Dior, following by an average cost per lead of around 25 Euro.


Example of lead generation. Linkedin ad campaigns for sustainability-focused businesses Grown.bio and Deko Eko.

Website Support

Pandemic reminded us to slow down – but not when it comes to the Internet. Website speed has become one of the key criteria for evaluating website performance and determining its ranking in search engines like Google. In 2020, we helped SurfCleaner increase the Google score for the website speed by 6+ times, and decrease the bounce rate for mobile users from 66.38% down to 37.32%!

Mix of marketing services

Some companies, like Targetprocess, utilised our marketing expertise on multiple fronts: social media, public relations, event marketing, lead generation, analyst relations. Even in times of social distancing, Orange Birds helped the company connect directly with potential partners and clients by organising a virtual booth and an extended program of diverse sessions during global SAFe Summits. While we tackled challenges on their digital marketing front, Targetprocess landed a spot as one of the three worldwide leaders in the 2020 Gartner Magic Quadrant.


One of multiple services delivered to Targetprocess is content marketing: landing pages, blog posts, and video case studies.

2020 pushed many companies to reconsider their strategies, and Orange Bird offered advice to those who are just stepping into the sustainable marketing game. Our founder Alena Kuzniatsova shared her expertise with the Network for Business Sustainability and Getting in the Loop Podcast – check out how to be a sustainable marketer, and how to help your company move up the circularity ladder.

“It is a bird’s imagination, not its wings, that determines how high it can fly.”

― Matshona Dhliwayo

Now, as 2020 got a proper farewell, we are ready to fly into the new year – with a bigger team, forward-looking clients, and zest for innovation. Orange Birds are open to creative challenges and will help create a unique marketing path for your company. We invite you to fly together – get in touch with us to gear your business toward a clean, sustainable future.

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