on Monday September 12, 2022

Sustainability Marketing Successes, H1 2022 Edition

Cleantech content marketing, eco-friendly branding, marketing agency recognition and more. Here are a few of the sustainability marketing achievements we’re proud of in H1 2022:

Cleantech content marketing and branding successes

Our content marketing muscle gets stronger and stronger. We’ve written several articles on climate-related and cleantech topics. 

Check out the recent article Orange Bird helped write for SurfCleaner: “An Overview of European Carbon Taxes and Their Impact on Emissions”. Orange Bird’s content marketing support, combined with our help finding relevant industry and environmental directories to publish listings, has helped increase SurfCleaner’s high quality backlinks by more than 4x in the last year.

We produced a range of content for Climeon, including a White Paper: What Is HeatPower?, a press release, and a technical article about heat waste recovery, which have received good feedback from internal and external audiences. Orange Bird also devised a name for Climeon’s new product (HeatPower 300 Marine), with reverse applicability for its existing product line. 

Content Marketing Examples Screenshots | Orange Bird

In early 2022, Orange Bird expanded our multilingual marketing services to offer German language copywriting for our clients, thanks to Ibis and Buzzard, the Native-German speakers in our flock. Orange Bird can create native-speaker content in: British English, American English, Dutch, Belarussian, and now German for our clients around the globe.

Read more about Orange Bird’s content marketing services

Website and marketing automation successes for eco-friendly clients

In a short time, Orange Bird was able to make the website of our client CanvasLogic more competitive and introduced new features, new pages, QR codes, interactive models, and other cool things. With careful planning and by repurposing some existing content and functionality, we were able to save a lot of time and budget for the client, while ensuring an excellent result. In H1 2022, we have also implemented multi-language functionality on the Climeon website, enabling our client to expand their global reach. 

Orange Bird implemented Hubspot marketing automation for friendlyway to streamline their lead capture and follow up processes. Friendlyway has been very happy with the new visibility into their leads and the improved consistency, speed and professionalism of lead follow up.

We keep a close eye on our clients’ website and ad campaign health scores, and keep them high by improving meta, titles and page speed; carefully monitoring and optimizing ads, landing pages, bids, and keywords regularly; and the most important by the well-coordinated teamwork. 

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Proven data-driven SEM outcomes for our clients

We’re proud of our team’s flexibility to work quickly, providing the best result for our clients. Orange Bird was able to beat LinkedIn benchmarks for CTR (click through rate) by more than 2x and CPC (cost per click) by 4x. This was accomplished through careful targeting to select the most relevant audiences and ongoing A/B testing with new creatives. 

New LinkedIn campaigns launched by Orange Bird for friendlyway during the first half of 2022 have surpassed LinkedIn’s own benchmarks for CTR and CPC. Cost per click on one ad group decreased from €6.05 to €1.41

  • LinkedIN CTR benchmark is 0.2 – 0.35 vs, Orange Bird’s result for friendlyway is 0.78 
  • LinkedIN CPC benchmark is 8 Euro vs. Orange Bird’s result for friendlyway is 2-3 Euro  

For more details and tips for your future lead generation campaigns on LinkedIn, please see our recent case study about lead generation for our cleantech client Grown Bio.

Cascade Drives, a company which Orange Bird supports with LinkedIn social media content, increased their followers organically by 28% from January to April 2022.

We also relaunched a Facebook lead generation campaign for Volksuniversiteit Amsterdam, gathering new subscribers for the newsletter. For a relatively small budget, we gained +200 subscribers for E1.60 per lead.

Earning recognition as a marketing agency of distinction

Orange Bird was approved for a profile on AgencyVista.com and CreativePool.com. Both sites accept companies only after an application process has confirmed they are experts in their industry and have a good body of work. 

Growing Orange Bird’s client-base in the Americas and Europe among the companies who have climate solutions

In the first half of 2022, we were proud that Orange Bird’s client-base in the Global West grew as a result of earning the opportunity to support the marketing efforts of Native, a Public Benefit Company based in Vermont, USA; and a South American nonprofit focused on wetland conservation and reforestation. We’ve also won a new client that is expanding to the EU market and wants to embrace sustainability and teach sustainability to teens.

We are pleased to report the clients are happy with our work! See the comments under our post which starts with “We are deeply proud and privileged to provide marketing services to SurfCleaner…” emoji image

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Here’s to the remainder of 2022. It is with a good deal of determination that we move forward with hope and optimism toward 2023. Our eyes are set on doing our part to heal our planet and society so that our children and their children can pick up the baton and run their race well on this beautiful blue ball we call home.  Read about our sustainability learnings from H1 2022.

Do you want to talk about your sustainability marketing objectives for 2022-23?

We’re all ears. Reach out to us to start a conversation about how we can help you achieve your goals for both marketing and sustainability.

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