MARKETING STRATEGIESTo Reach Sustainable Brands

Background Bluedot Living Mobile Background Bluedot Living

Customer Profile:

Name: Bluedot Living
Industry: Media
Website: https:/
Newsletters, websites, and green guides focused on local and global climate stories, sustainable product recommendations, and opportunities for positive impact. 
Target markets: 
North America
Target audience: 
Sustainable consumer brands


Bluedot, Inc., founded in 2021, is a burgeoning media company dedicated to highlighting the endeavors of climate changemakers and emphasizing opportunities for action to inspire reader engagement. The company’s multifaceted approach reflects its commitment to fostering positive change and sustainability.

Bluedot has experienced rapid growth in readership and expanded its portfolio to include 11 newsletters, 4 print publications, and various websites, including locally-focused green guides and an online marketplace with sustainable product recommendations.

Bluedot, Inc., founded in 2021, is a burgeoning media company dedicated to highlighting the endeavors of climate changemakers and emphasizing opportunities for action to inspire reader engagement


Help the media company build awareness among potential advertisers and sponsors, generate leads, and create a sales funnel of purpose-led brands.

Market Research for Audience Insights

Orange Bird helped Bluedot Living develop and execute a reader survey to learn about audience demographics and interests. Insights from the survey results help Bluedot Living attract relevant advertisers with objective metrics about the impact of Bluedot Living publications and the unique attributes of the subscriber base. 

In addition to readership demographics data that revealed Bluedot Living’s affluent, highly influential audience, insights acquired as a result of the survey included, for example:

  • More than half (52%) say that Bluedot Living has helped them adopt a more sustainable lifestyle.
  • More than 1 in 4 (26%) are willing to pay a premium price for products that are eco-friendly or sustainable.

As a direct result of Bluedot Living newsletters:

reduced plastic use
purchased locally grown
and organic produce
purchased eco-friendly
cleaning products
purchased second-hand
or sustainable clothing brands

Go-to-Market Strategy and Execution

Orange Bird developed a Go-to-Market plan to help Bluedot Living grow awareness and generate leads at companies that would benefit from advertising in Bluedot Living’s newsletters. The plan included organic social media, paid advertising, email marketing, sales enablement, and public relations (PR).

Media Kit and Sales Enablement Materials

Orange Bird helped Bluedot Living create professional media kits to communicate the impact of Bluedot Living publications, summarize readership attributes, and share opportunities for National and Regional advertisers and sponsors.

Cover - Nantucket
Cover - National
Cover - Martha's Vineyard

How Orange Bird Helped:

  • Developed initial Media Kit designs for National and Regional Media Kits that Bluedot Living can manage and update internally
  • Enhanced the Advertise landing page of the website by updating the overall design, adding a call to action to download the media kit, and incorporating readership data
  • Implemented a lead generation form with CRM integration and automation workflows
  • Created email templates for prospecting outreach, LinkedIn lead follow-up, and conference lead follow-up


  • Bluedot Living sales executives are equipped with compelling sales materials and streamlined processes to engage with prospects and build Bluedot Living’s community of advertisers, partners and sponsors.
  • A lead generation pathway is established for potential sponsors to download the media kit.

Organic LinkedIn Marketing for Brand Awareness

Orange Bird helped Bluedot Living grow and engage their B2B audience on LinkedIn.

Organic LinkedIn Marketing for Brand Awareness

How Orange Bird Helped:

  • How Orange Bird Helped:
  • Updated LinkedIn Company Profile and branding
  • Consistently published posts for Bluedot Living
  • Utilized hashtags and mentions to expand visibility
  • Reshared Bluedot Living’s posts in relevant LinkedIn groups
  • Shared employee engagement strategies to boost the Bluedot Living brand on LinkedIn
  • Created a bank of posts for the future

Results from Oct 2023 through May 2024:

Organic impressions
Page Followers grew by

LinkedIn Lead Generation Ads

Orange Bird developed and executed a series of progressive experiments designed to hone audience targeting and ad creatives to achieve the highest impact for Bluedot Living’s budget.

How Orange Bird Helped:

  • Developed 80 ad creatives
  • Completed 6 targeted experiments in 5 months
SMM Post 1
SMM Post 2
SMM Post 3
SMM Post 4
SMM Post 5
SMM Post 6
BluedotLiving 1
BluedotLiving 2
BluedotLiving 3


In each of the six successive experiments we conducted for Bluedot Living, significant learnings were leveraged to help the client optimize their marketing budget and develop their sales funnel.

Win 1
List Insight
Data from the first experiment heled us make an informed, budget-efficient decision to pivot from the client’s existing purchased list to new alternative targeting.
Win 2
CTR doubled with new audience targeting in Experiment 2.
Win 3
CTR improved 67% with further audience refining in Experiment 3.
Win 4
Audience Insight
In Experiment 4, we tested a nonprofit audience. We efficiently concluded that eco-marketers were a more engaged audience than nonprofit marketers
Win 5
167 Prospects
In Experiment 5, we identified that CTR improved 53% with an offer to download media kit. Plus, we identified 167 Sustainable Brands for prospecting. 
Win 6
In Experiment 6, CPC was cut by 97% and 14 leads were generated by changing the approach from lead generation to engagement.
Win 7
Outperformed benchmarks by 88%
CPC in the best-performing experiment is $0.68 compared to LinkedIn global average of $5.58.
CPC across all experiments is 57% lower than LinkedIn average.
$0.68 CPC best performing campaign
$2.41 CPC average across all experiments.
$5.58 CPC LinkedIn global average in 2024 5.58*

What Does Bluedot Living Say
About Their Collaboration With Orange Bird?

“Thank you again for everything Orange Bird has done to assist us. Your team has been wonderful to work with and helpful in so many ways.”

Ray Pearce,

CEO, Bluedot Living

Next Steps

Find out how your organization can partner with Orange Bird to successfully communicate your vision to potential customers. We’re excited to help you deliver value for people and the planet.