Tag: go-to-market

on Sunday December 1, 2024

From Cleantech 1.0 to Climate Tech 2.0

CleanTech 1.0 bust and what kind of companies are booming during Climate Tech 2.0

The fight against climate change has reignited a focus on clean technologies, with venture capital pouring back into the sector. This resurgence, dubbed Cleantech 2.0, comes after the spectacular collapse of Cleantech 1.0 in the early 2010s.

However, as the climate crisis accelerates, it’s clear that we need more than just clean technologies; we need visionary solutions to address the growing environmental and ecological challenges. This shift in focus is reflected in how the industry itself has evolved. What was once broadly referred to as cleantech is now often called climate tech.


on Thursday August 1, 2024

Bluedot Living – Orange Bird Case Study


on Monday January 22, 2024

Go-to-Market Support and Marketing for Climate Investing Platform
