Go-to-Market Supportand Marketing for Climate
Investing Platform

Background Avid Mobile Background Avid

Customer Profile:

Name: AVID Climate
Industry: Climate Finance
Website: https://avid.ooo
The first retail climate impact investment platform
Target markets: 
North America, EU
Target audience: 
Investment-curious ethical consumers


Before AVID, investing in carbon credits has been limited to only a few investors, stunting climate finance & action. AVID’s goal is to collectively finance more climate solutions faster by opening climate investing to a larger pool of investors.

AVID, a fintech app, aimed to democratize the carbon credits market by making it accessible to retail investors. Their unique proposition was to be the “Robinhood of carbon credits.”

AVID, a fintech app, aimed to democratize the carbon credits market by making it accessible to retail investors


AVID had ambitious goals and needed to act fast to benefit from the pioneering market position. However, as a bootstrapping company, it had limited funds so it was critical to avoid both time loss and costly mistakes.

For a successful and cost-effective Go-to-Market stage, Orange Bird proposed and implemented data-driven experiments in order to:

  • Identify the most viable target segment.
  • Determine the value propositions that resonate most.
  • Test various marketing channels and creatives to arrive at the best cost per qualified lead.

Go-to-Market Support and Marketing for AVID

AVID entrusted Orange Bird to support their Go-to-Market strategy and subsequent marketing activities.

Instead of building a product and launching marketing campaigns based on assumptions, we proposed and crafted a series of Product Market Fit experiments. This method not only conserves resources but also reduces the risk of misalignment with the target audience. By testing our hypotheses in real-time, we gained actionable insights that guide product development, positioning, and all marketing communications.

Market Research

Ecosystem Analysis:

Orange Bird started with analysis of the brand landscape of peers and competitors with detailed assessments of target segments, pain points, value propositions and differentiators.

Opportunity Matrix:

We created a brand voice and positioning matrix of the market landscape. This matrix helped us identify gaps in the market and align them with Gen Z’s preferences.

Product Market Fit Workshop:

We laid out our assumptions regarding the Customer Segment, Value Propositions, and Customer Relationships. This workshop helped us design experiments to test these assumptions.

AVID entrusted Orange Bird to support their Go-to-Market strategy and subsequent marketing activities

Go-To-Market: Testing Target Segments


We launched a 7-day ad campaign on Meta, targeting two distinct audiences in order to assess the stronger motivation: environmental action or profit gain.


Audience Preference: Audience A outperformed Audience B with a 91% probability in just 4 days, saving 65% of the budget.

Audience A outperformed Audience B with a 91% probability in just 4 days, saving 65% of the budget

Testing Value Propositions


Based on the winning audience from the first experiment, we tested different value propositions. This insight was pivotal in shaping AVID’s brand voice and messaging strategy.


With the insights gained, we optimized AVID’s ad campaigns, resulting in an 83% improvement in conversion rates on Instagram and Facebook.

Based on the winning audience from the first experiment, we tested different value propositions

With the insights gained, we optimized AVID's ad campaigns, resulting in an 83% improvement in conversion rates on Instagram and Facebook

Lead Generation

Orange Bird implemented a systematic process for continuous testing and optimizing the advertising campaign with the goal to achieve the lowest cost for qualified leads. For example, in the LinkedIn ad campaign, 28 ad creatives were tested over a period of 4 months.

The Result:
The best-performing ad variation achieved a 84% lower cost per lead than LinkedIn benchmarks.

Other KPIs:

Click Through Rate
Cost Per Click
Cost Per Lead
The results on Instagram were achieved
below budget
Orange Bird implemented a systematic process for continuous testing and optimizing the advertising campaign with the goal to achieve the lowest cost for qualified leads

Lead Generation: Testing Creatives Lead Generation: Testing Creatives

Lead Generation: Testing Creatives 2

Social Media Marketing

Orange Bird supported AVID in building engaged social media communities with multi-channel support, including

  • Branding
  • Monitoring
  • Channel-relevant community engagement
  • Content planning and creation
  • Unique content pieces, such as mascot illustrations, interview videos, and animations
  • Channels: Instagram, Facebook, Threads, and LinkedIn
  • Orange Bird helped AVID launch a Threads profile the same day Threads was released publicly.


organic followers earned by AVID’s newly launched LinkedIn channel in 4 weeks.
waitlist contacts were gained by paid and organic Meta campaigns before the app was launched
Social Media Marketing
Social Media Marketing 2
Website Design and Development

Orange Bird helped AVID design and implement a new website to promote their climate impact investing app to their target audience.


The website design included dynamic and engaging interactive elements.


We developed content to make the complex concept of carbon investing accessible and engaging for AVID’s audience of Gen Z investment-curious, ethical consumers.


A comprehensive FAQ page was developed to help visitors understand climate investing, the app, its impact, and how to get started


Clear calls to action are incorporated throughout the site.

Orange Bird helped AVID design and implement a new website to promote their climate impact investing app to their target audience

PR Strategy & Implementation

Orange Bird developed a soft launch PR strategy that included:

  • support in developing a Community Advisory Board to solicit input about topics important to the community, ideas about features, and feedback about the app experience.
  • a plan for a first-look media experience for highly targeted contacts, followed by a hard launch promotion plan.
  • Press release distribution to targeted industries and geographies of partnership announcements.
PR Strategy and Implementation

Email Marketing

Orange Bird created an email marketing sequence to educate contacts, nurture leads during the waitlist period, and encourage app downloads after the launch.

Orange Bird created an email marketing sequence to educate contacts, nurture leads during the waitlist period, and encourage app downloads after the launch

Feedback from AVID

“Orange Bird… I can’t say enough about this savvy sustainable marketing firm…
Talent, passion and vision define the work that they deliver. Jenny has what I describe as “the eye”, a creative vision enhanced with content creation that is genetic, not learned. Orange Birds team has an artistic vision along with cutting-edge marketing strategies and tools that keep you far ahead of any competitors and at the top of the game. The content and design that they produce is stellar.
The main thing that gets me is Orange Bird’s passion and drive to deliver a product that is not only better, but a total package that speaks to your brand. It is very rare to find a company that will do whatever it takes to be the best for you. Orange Bird always pushes the limits on what is great, only to deliver what is spectacular. Not only AVID’s agency but also a definite and key partner!”

Tiffany Zow

Chief Marketing Officer,

Next Steps

Learn about how your organization can partner with Orange Bird to successfully communicate your vision to potential customers. We’re excited to help you deliver your value for people and the planet.