Social Media


Social Media Marketing Social Media Marketing

Surprise, Stimulate and Inspire With Social Media Marketing

What is the effect of good social media marketing? Greater brand awareness, higher sales figures, a stronger reputation, increased customer loyalty, more interaction and meaningful engagement.

As the leading sustainability marketing agency, Orange Bird works with sustainable, cleantech, climate tech and circular brands to help scale their environmental impact by supercharging their social media performance.

Talk to our social
media experts now

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Achieve Your Goals
With Social Media Marketing

A strong social media marketing (SMM) strategy helps you achieve your commercial and environmental objectives, and plays a critical role in your overarching digital marketing strategy. With support from Orange Bird, you can ensure your SMM activity helps to:

Increase brand awareness

Enhanced brand awareness helps to attract new customers and increases loyalty amongst your existing client base.

Orange Bird, identifies relevant channels, platforms, groups and discussions to raise your brand profile amongst your target audience(s).

Maximize engagement

Likes. Clicks. Shares. Comments. Get your target audience talking with effective sustainable SMM.

Dynamic content and eye-catching graphic designs compel users to engage with your brand, strengthen customer relationships and spark new conversations.

Generate leads

Both paid social advertising and organic SMM generate leads and increase revenue – providing you have the right strategy in place.

Orange Bird delivers effective targeting, persuasive content, campaign optimisation and careful nurturing to generate leads and bring them to fruition.

Inspire audiences

Word-of-mouth (WOM) marketing is a powerful way to increase your reach, raise brand awareness and boost your corporate reputation.

Our SMM strategies incorporate topical, thought-provoking posts, breaking industry news and brand highlights to inspire audiences and boost your reputation.

Become a thought leader

Share cutting-edge content and provoke stimulating discussion as you showcase your industry expertise.

Reach potential customers, motivated investors and enrich your client base by sharing insights, opinion and commentary across social platforms.

How You Succeed With Our Services

Our first step is always a conversation with you. Together, we discover how to add value to your company through social media marketing. What do you want to achieve with your social media channels? Which target groups do you want to appeal to and what do those target groups expect from you? Do you already have a comprehensive Customer Journey Map or is this a step we need to take together?

When we have clear answers to these questions, we’ll start creating and scheduling your social content. Every month, we analyse the results and adjust the strategy accordingly to deliver optimal results.

Find out how we help you succeed with social media marketing now:

Goal-oriented SMM strategy

We create a clear social media marketing strategy with well-defined KPIs, measurable performance and data-driven objectives.

Top-tier, original and inspiring content

Our copywriters deliver content that informs, inspires and converts – straight to your target audience.

Optimised social media advertising campaigns

Our paid social specialists design and implement successful advertising campaigns that increase conversions and optimise your ROI.

Omnichannel customer care

Resolve queries, respond to feedback and strengthen relationships with omnichannel customer service across social media.

Launch innovative social media marketing campaigns and boost your ROI now!

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Why Orange Bird?

With proven experience, a dynamic, multilingual team and a passion for sustainability, Orange Bird delivers engaging and effective social media marketing that allows you to reach regional, national and global audiences. But don’t take our word for it – instead, take a look at our results and find out why we’re the prefered SMM agency for sustainable, climate tech and circular brands:

LinkedIn Advertising Campaign for Clean Energy Company Climeon:

Conversion rate
Video view-through rate
Industry benchmarks:

Organic LinkedIn Social Media Marketing for Climeon:

Growth rate:
Engagement rate
Organic reach rate (ORR)
Page views
Unique visitors
Custom button clicks

LinkedIn Advertising for Cleantech Company SurfCleaner:

Conversion rate
Click-through rate (CTR)
Cost-per-click (CPC)
Industry benchmark
€7.46 – €10.31
Industry benchmark
€13.24 – €309.01
LinkedIn Followers
Website visits
Social actions

LinkedIn Advertising Campaign for Clean Energy Company Climeon:

Click-through rate (CTR)
Industry benchmark
0.2 – 0.35%
Video engagement rate
Industry benchmark
Cost-per-click (CPC)
Industry benchmark
€7.46 – €10.31
Conversion rate

Facebook Advertising Campaign for Volksuniversiteit Amsterdam:

Total conversions

Organic LinkedIn SMM for Cleantech Company Cascade Drives

Page views
Post engagement

LinkedIn Advertising Campaign for Circular Company

Click-through rate (CTR)
Industry benchmark
0.44 – 0.65%
Cost-per-click (CPC)
€13.24 – €309.01
Conversion rate

Want to improve your social
media performance? Talk to
our team now

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Examples Of Our Social Media Marketing Content

Climeon slide 1
Climeon slide 2
Climeon slide 3
Cascade drivers slide 1
Cascade drivers slide 1
Surfclean slide
Grown bio slide
Grown bio slide 2
Deko eko slide
Canary slide 2
Canary slide 3
Canary slide 4
Circular economy alliance slide
Rivus battery slide
Native eco slide
Avid slide

Want to improve your social
media performance? Talk to
our team now

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Customer Stories

Clean energy company, Climeon challenged us to strengthen their social media marketing and generate leads via social advertising. Active across five social channels, we created platform-specific content for each profile and identified LinkedIn as the most value-oriented social media channel for the B2B cleantech company.

Sharing top-tier content, engaging in industry discussions and showcasing the brand’s identity allowed us to build Climeon’s social following, achieving:

Year-on-year LinkedIn growth
Engagement rate

Orange Bird also launched multiple global social advertising campaigns for Climeon. With detailed targeting, engaging copy and eye-catching designs, we achieved impressive results:

Conversion rate
climeon on board energy

Cascade Drives is making commercial transportation and industrial equipment more sustainable. The company wanted to increase awareness of their cleantech solution on their most important B2B social media channel, LinkedIn. Cascade Drives partnered with Orange Bird to establish a regular SMM cadence of fresh, relevant content that engaged existing followers while attracting new audiences.

Orange Bird helped create high-quality content, such as trade event promotions, LinkedIn articles, product launch videos and infographics. In addition, Orange Bird helped develop and maintain a new blog that serves as a destination for visitors to take action and a resource to engage audiences deeper with Cascade Drives’ brand and content.

As a result of the collaboration, Cascade Drives’ year-over-year social media KPIs show:

LinkedIn followers
Page views
Post engagement
cascade drivers

Talk to Orange Bird about bespoke social media campaigns now!

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SurfCleaner is an innovative Swedish cleantech company with a mission: increase access to clean water, reduce greenhouse gases and re-use contaminants and waste from the water’s surface to support a circular economy. Its Skimmer Separator Hybrid devices remove contaminants, such as a oil, sludge and microplastics, from the water, while reducing CO2 and VOC emissions and returning clean water to the system for resource conservation and environmental stability.

To help SurfCleaner achieve its commercial goals, we ran long-term paid cleantech social media marketing campaigns and implemented an innovative organic social media marketing strategy.

As a result, SurfCleaner drove targeted traffic to its website, increased brand awareness in new target markets and successfully boosted engagement:

LinkedIn followers
Avg. CTR
Avg. conversion rate
SurfCleaner cleantech company

Deko Eko is a forward-thinking marketplace for upcycling services and upcycled products. The company offers a sales and community platform that connects businesses seeking to upcycle their waste, upcycling and eco-friendly designers and their customers, with the ultimate goal of accelerating the transition to a circular economy.

Orange Bird launched B2B and B2C social media marketing campaigns across LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram to help Deko Eko achieve three aims: increase in-platform sales via B2C marketing, raise awareness amongst corporate buyers and attract designers to the platform.

With eye-catching designs and enticing copy, we delivered outstanding results, including:

B2B conversions
Facebook followers
Designer registrations
Deko Eko forward thinking marketplace is a biotechnology company that develops innovative products from naturally grown, sustainable mycelium composites. Based in the Netherlands, the company operates within a variety of sectors within the European market, including interior design accessories and homewares, product packaging and building materials.

To help increase brand awareness and generate leads, Orange Bird developed highly-targeted LinkedIn social media marketing campaigns, which delivered impressive results:

Avg. CTR
Avg. CPC
Conversion rate biotechnology company

Let’s join forces

Our team is committed to achieving your goals, we put our heart and soul into every campaign. The more people and organizations that hear about climate solutions and sustainable companies, the faster we can all make the transition to a circular economy and mitigate the climate crisis. Contact us to see how we can work together to help you achieve your marketing and environmental goals.