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At our agency we follow the Agile methodology as the way to deliver value fast. Our team includes a certified Scrum Master and a certified Scrum Product Owner who ensure that Orange Bird Agency is agile and implements the following:

Focus on the value for the customer

“What will be most valuable for the customer?” is the question we start with when we devise marketing strategies for our customers and this is the question which guides us in case of any doubts or uncertainty during the execution of the marketing strategy after it has been confirmed by the customer.

Deliver value fast

We work in short iterations (monthly sprints) to stay focused and deliver tangible results every month.

Work transparently

We set up our project management system (Podio) and organize our work in a way so that the customer can access and view the status and details for any work items at any point of time.

Get frequent customer feedback,
adapt and improve

The customer is invited to daily standups, sprint planning sessions (where we plan the work for the next month) and sprint review meetings (where the project team demonstrates the work completed in the last month).
The team is ready to adjust and improve continuously.

The client is welcome to attend:

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Daily standups

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Sprint planning
sessions (monthly)

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Sprint review /
demo sessions

Additionally, monthly status
reports in writing can include:

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Done this month

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Plans for the
next month

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(Crazy) ideas
and suggestions

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