Tag: duurzaamheid

Op zoek naar een marketingbureau voor duurzaamheid? Geef je marketingstrategie een boost en vlieg hoog met full-servicebureau Orange Bird. Leer nu meer.

on Tuesday August 25, 2020

7 Waste-to-Energy Projects in WasteAdvantage Magazine

While cooperating with a cleantech company, we did research on technologies that enable sustainable transformation of waste into clean energy.

We discovered a variety of absolutely amazing waste-to-energy companies producing electricity from soya beans, methanol from non-compostable solid waste, and plasma gasification plants.

As a result, we described such projects in an article, which got published by the WasteAdvantage Magazine.

Check it out to discover what waste-to-energy technologies are on the market as well as who and how can benefit from such projects.

on Tuesday July 21, 2020

Elemental Water Makers Featured by Solar Impulse Foundation

The Solar Impulse Foundation is well-known for its challenge of selecting 1000 solutions that can protect the environment in a profitable way. Elemental Water Makers is among these solutions.

In order to increase the visibility of EWM among potential customers and investors, we wrote an article about their technology for the Solar Impulse Foundation’s website.

Read the article to find out how Elemental Water Makers’ solution makes seawater drinkable with zero harm to the environment while creating a profit for a small island community in the Philippines.

on Friday May 29, 2020

A Use Case of Ecological Desalination for the Water Quality Products Magazine

In order to raise awareness about Elemental Water Makers’ technology among the professional community and potential customers, Orange Bird has written an article describing how EWM built a solar-powered seawater reverse osmosis (RO) plant, which now provides the community of a small island in the Philippines with 5,000 liters of fresh water a day with zero carbon emissions.

The editor of WQP Mag placed it in the June 2020 issue as “Off-Grid Solution” and on the website. Read the article to learn about the desalination process, which is both ecological and economical.

on Monday January 21, 2019

Challenges and Solutions for Cleantech and Positive Impact Companies

At Orange Bird, we want to pave the way for CleanTech solutions and the companies which enable the transition to carbon-free economy. This way we hope to contribute to preserving the planet as the habitat for Homo Sapiens and other species. We realise that such companies face many difficulties just like any other business, however, they also meet their own unique challenges. In this blog post, we will explore the most common challenges and possible solutions.


on Saturday December 29, 2018

The Need for New Marketing

As a marketer I live in a new era when I feel the obligation not just to work so that we prove that marketing is moral but to stimulate consumers to consume less and to consume wisely.

By “marketing is moral” I mean the understanding of marketing as it was conceived by Philip Kotler and the like, i.e. the process of researching a market, defining its needs and organizing production processes to satisfy those needs at a profit. Versus a stereotyped understanding of marketing and advertising as ways to cheat people into buying what they might not really need.
